Jan 24, 2015

Da Sharpshooters 543 - The Royal Jank

First things first, we apologize for this horrible episode of Da Sharpshooters Wrestling Podcast. Everything that could’ve went wrong did go wrong in this Royal Rumble preview show. For example, the Raw report. Marcus The “Grand” Finale kick over the recording device deleting the entire report. Instead of the Raw report you get a royal rumble preview and Impact report.

Hopefully we make up for it with a post royal rumble show, if we have time following the event.

In this lack luster episode we discuss:

  • Lucha Underground and Cops
  • Wrestlemania 32 location
  • Royal Rumble preview/Impact report
  • Listener Feedback
  • and more!

Sorry for the craptastic episode and remember 

Stay Sharp!

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